The Wool Shed is open Friday to Monday from 10-4
In The Media
Wool Blanket Featured in episode of "The Last of Us" - CBC's The National CBC The National features how a Topsy wool blanket makes it into hit T.V series "The Last Of Us"
Guardian Coyotes - Global News Global News talks to Rachel about Topsy's non lethal Coyote managment practices
Wool Blanket Featured in episode of "The Last of Us" - CBC Ottawa CBC News talks with Jake about how a Topsy wool blanket makes it into hit T.V series "The Last Of Us"
Wool Blanket Featured in episode of "The Last of Us" - Global News Global News talks with Jake about how a Topsy wool blanket makes it into hit T.V series "The Last Of Us"
Wool Blanket Featured in episode of "The Last of Us" - The Whig Global News talks with Jake about how a Topsy wool blanket makes it into hit T.V series "The Last Of Us"
Wool Blanket Featured in episode of "The Last of Us" - The Kingstonist Global News talks with Jake about how a Topsy wool blanket makes it into hit T.V series "The Last Of Us"
Canadian Interview Series - Cabin Boy Knits Knitter/designer @cabinboyknits visits Topsy Farms. Nov 2021
Why These Farmers are Welcoming Muskrats, Birds and Snakes - TVO feature story on Topsy Farms' rewilding initiative. Aug 2021
Global News Morning Chats - Global News
Bill Welychka talks with Jacob Murray about Topsy Farms' rewilding initiative. June 2021
New Forest to Grow as Part of Rewilding Project - Kingston Whig Standard
Feature article on Topsy Farms' rewilding initiative. May 2021
Planting for Pollinators -
Sally Bowen discusses planting for bees and butterflies. April 2021
How we're rewilding - Rewilding Magazine
Feature article on Topsy Farms' rewilding initiative. March 2021
Silver medal winner - Community Votes Kingston
Topsy Farms takes silver in Retail - Fabric, Wool & Yarn category. Feb 2021
Ontario Today - Gardening from seed - CBC Radio 1
Gardening expert Ed Lawrence talks about the benefits of Sally's Garden wool pellet fertilizer. Feb 1, 2021
Canadian Coziness - Home In Canada
Topsy blankets featured in this design/architecture/lifestyle magazine. Winter 2020
Profile of Sally Bowen - Profile Kingston
Feature profile of our very own Sally Bowen. November 2020
Spotlight on local sheep farm for unique, online approach... - Kingston Whig Standard
Feature article on Topsy Farms' pivot from sheep farming to Connect to the Land agri-tourism. October 2020
#ShopLocalSEO -
Topsy Farms teams up with MacKinnon Bros Brewery and Enright Cattle Co to encourage consumers to support south eastern Ontario independent businesses. October 2020
6 Quality Farms Dedicated to Responsible Practices - wiki video
Wiki.ezvid chose Topsy Farms as one of the top 6 ethical farms in North America. October 2020
Victory for All - Global News
Bill Welychka catches up with Jake Murray as the Victory Garden project wraps up. August 2020
Topsy Farms encourages Canadians to grow Victory Gardens - Napanee Beaver article about Victory Garden campaign. May 2020
Victory Gardens take root on Amherst Island - Kingston Whig Standard
Topsy Farms' and Kubota Canada's #GrowStronger gardening initiative is underway. May 2020
Topsy Farms' Victory Garden Initiative - Global News
Jake Murray talks with Bill Welychka about our Victory Garden project. April 2020
The Canine Shepherds of Amherst Island , The Kingstonist
Guardian dogs of Amherst Island are featured in this article. February 2020
6 super romantic Canadian-made gifts - London Free Press Valentine's Day article featuring Topsy Farms' blanket. February 2020
Working to Save the World, One Child at a Time, The Scoop - article by Jacob Murray. December 2019
A Throwback to the Basics, Edible Ottawa - The magazine's 5th anniversary issue features Topsy Farms. November 2019
Scavenger Quest with Global News - Jake Murray tells Bill Welychka about the first annual Topsy Farms Scavenger Quest. October 10, 2019
Dry Stone Canada Festival on Amherst Island - Kingston Whig Standard article about the festival, featuring locals including Jake Murray. September 10, 2019
Update with Global News - Jake Murray once again sits down with Bill Welychka with an update on the last few months on the farm. September 6, 2019
Shearing Interview with Global News - Jake Murray talks with Bill Welychka about our upcoming shearing weekend. April 17, 2019
Roundtable Discussion with the Minister of Agriculture - Jake Murray was invited to participate in a discussion with the federal Minister of Agriculture and other local farmers. March 25, 2019
What Can Farmers do to Bring More Income - Jake Murray interviewed by Nanada Duncan on CBC Morning Show, February 1, 2019.
Loyalist Township farmers look to diversity business models, if they're allowed - Interview with farmers Jacob Murray and Ian MacKinnon, and Nathan Townend, Amherst Island representative on Loyalist Township Council. Global TV, January 31, 2019
Three Sisters Garden - This film was made by Josh Lyon in collaboration with Loving Spoonful, Kingston, the youth from the Katarokwi Learning Centre, as well as local Indigenous leaders, elders and community members.
A Foraging Dinner at Topsy Farms - Lindy Mechefske, The Kingston Whig Standard, October, 2018
Dry Stone Wall Builders gather on Amherst Island for Annual Festival - Frazer Snowdon Videographer Global News, September 30, 2018
A preview of the Dry Stone Wall Festival - Bill Welychka, The Morning Show, CKWS Daily, September, 2018
Topsy Farms 7 minute TV show in Cantonese with interview - Fairchild TV, June 2018
Here's your chance to Snuggle A Lamb, interview - CKWS TV, May 2018
Topsy Farms featured on Discovery Channel Show - Kingston Whig Standard, November 2017
Topsy Farms Receives Green Tourism Award - County of Lennox and Addington, April 2017
Topsy Farms interview by Wei Chan (Video) - CBC Canada, September 2015
Topsy Farms gears up for lamb fostering with the public (Video) - CKWS TV, April 2017
Topsy Farms Shear Enjoyment (Part 1) PDF - Mark Bergin, Kingston Whig-Standard, May 2008
Topsy Farms Shear Enjoyment (Part 2) PDF - Mark Bergin, Kingston Whig-Standard, May 2008
Topsy Farms FAB Article - Frontenac Arch Biosphere, May 2015
Lynn Wyminga posted a wonderful series of photos, descriptions & brief videos of our shearing - Lynn's Lids blog, March 2015
Customer Care
About Topsy Farms
Contact us
14775 Front Road Stella, ON, K0H 2S0
(613)-389-3444 x1
1(888)-287-3157 toll-free