The Wool Shed is open during March Break daily from 10-4
Adopt a Foster Lamb
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Adopt a Foster Lamb to help a baby lamb survive and thrive.
Our flock of 1000 ewes birthed over 1400 lambs last year. About 30 – 35 lambs can’t stay with mama, and must be cared for. Otherwise, they’ll die.
Will you help save a baby lamb?
Do you want to be a (virtual) foster parent?
The cost is $45 before March 1st, 2017. After that, it will be $50.
For that donation you will:
• Name the lamb – we’ll use your chosen name from then on
• Receive a photo of the lamb so you could find yours in a group
• Learn all we know of its birthing history and reasons for needing to be fostered
• Be encouraged to come to the farm to help cuddle and bottle-feed during the time that it is here
• Learn about health care and needs of small lambs
After a week or so, most lambs ‘graduate’ to small farms where they join small free-range flocks.
• You’ll get a report of your lamb’s progress as it learns to become a sheep.
By registering and paying, you will be on a ‘first come first served’ priority list to adopt. Contact us at
You do NOT take your lamb home.
People who don’t want to adopt can reserve a time to visit. If you wish, use our site to subscribe to the mailing list for Family Visits.
The males will live on pasture in their new homes for the summer then will go to market; the females will stay with the flock, bearing babies of their own for years to come.
If you adopt a foster lamb, you will help a caring, busy sheep farm nurture the most vulnerable to enable them to survive.
The post Adopt a Foster Lamb appeared first on Topsy Farms, Canadian Made Wool Products.
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